We love making creative and pretty websites, but honestly, what does that matter if nobody gets to see it? If you are not on page #1 of Google people will not find you.


The Google Bots will crawl your website, compare info all over the web, and rank you in the following questions:



“Do you display expertise and knowledge about your business?”

How many words does your website have? Are they related? Does it make sense? Sound like getting graded for that old English 101 paper? It’s very similar.


“Does your website relate to what people search for?”

These are called keywords. Google will rank you higher if you pick high search volume keywords and optimize your website appropriately for them.


“Can Google verify your business information?”

This is measured by consistent and abundant citations (business name, phone number, and address). Valuable extra points if other websites link to yours.

Our Aloha SEO Power Process

1. Gathering information

This is where we get to know you, your goals, and who your competitors are. What services do you do? Who is the target audience? In which location?

Regarding your website audit: Where is your website ranked on Google? What keywords are you ranked for? How many pages do you have indexed? Any issues with speed or mobile compatibility? Who are your competitors and where are they on Google? We may even find you a competitor that you didn’t know about.

2. Analyzing Your Business Opportunities

Get your coffee ready for some spy work! Analyzing is a huge phase that determines how we strategize SEO specifically for your company. We have access to the most trusted tools when it comes to SEO: Ahefs, Majestic, SEMrush, Moz, etc. We use them to analyze keywords, traffic, trust, and authority of your website in numbers so we can compare it with your competitors. We also can see how many backlinks you have vs. them. In other words, it’s like we get access to a close estimate breakdown of all the grades Google gave you.

The amount of research we have to do in this phase is quite exhaustive for a lot of people. Somehow we happen to love this part of our job which does not prevent us from leaving crumbs on the table!

We provide you a straight forward spreadsheet with all the info gathered in a simple way that will make you understand what we are doing and why. This is where a lot of SEO companies fail because they use a cookie-cutter approach, and don’t take into account your specific rankings vs. your competition. Most costumers don’t even realize this because they just don’t know what to expect from an SEO company.

3. Analyzing Your Competitor

The spy work continues! Analyzing is a huge phase that determines how we strategize SEO specifically for your company. We continue to access our most trusted SEO tools: Ahefs, Majestic, SEMrush, Moz, etc. We use them to analyze keywords, traffic, trust, and authority of your website using numbers so we can compare it with your competitors. Other numbers include the number of backlinks you have vs. your competitors.

We will provide you the numbers for your competitors along with the straight forward spreadsheet mentioned in the procedure above in Analyzing your Business Opportunities.

4. Strategizing

After gathering, and analyzing all the info, we come out with the planning of the next two phases (writing and optimizing) and create a timeframe in how long it should take to achieve your goals. Keep in mind your website could take up to 6-11 months to get to page 1 of Google, varying a lot depending on age of your site and the authority of you competitor’s site.

It can often be a lot quicker when the competition is low, such as in local vs national markets. We will let you know what to expect and give you a rough idea of when your rankings will improve.

5. Writing

Based off of the keywords we find important for your company, we will develop a plan to either create new content around those keywords, or to optimize the content that is currently on your site. It is usually better to create new content and keep a plan to continually do so.

We do not outource content writing to other countries like many other SEO firms. Especially when sourced from another country, those authors will be writing purely to write. They will not be taking your competition into account.

6. Optimizing & Publishing

We will review the content for keyword and readability, optimize calls for action, tags and meta descriptions, pictures, link-building, and anything else necessary to get you to your goals.

7. Backlinking Phase – The Secret Sauce Your Site Needs to Keep Ranking

When another website links to yours they gave you a backlink. When you have many trusted or authoratative sites linking to yours, Google will reward you with a high ranking because it believes your site is important similar to a popularity contest in highschool.

Not every backlink is created equal and quality is much better than quantity. This is such an important aspect of SEO that there are many tricks out there can get you quick backlink numbers that will hurt you after a brief benefit. We will not allow this to happen to your website and will put in the time to get high quality banklinks.

8. Review & Repeat, Change if Needed, Review and Repeat...

Content development and optimization is a continuous process, but we won’t ever quit on you! We will monitor your competitors for any changes on their websites on a monthly basis. We will adjust your website as needed and pivot strategies whenever needed. 

where we
stand out!

Good quality juicy backlinks!

      • The #1 result in Google has an average of 3.8x more backlinks than positions #2 through #10
      • Every SEO company advertise they get you backlinks BUT do they tell you how they do it?
      • Not all backlinks are equal
      • Quality is better over quantity
      • Backlinks from a bad and spammy website will get you penalized by Google
      • Good backlinks are very hard and time consuming to get
      • Does your SEO company go the extra mile to get you the good ones?

      We will do what it takes to get you the good quality backlinks your site needs


      • We get to know you, your business, and your competitors
      • We do NOT outsource any work
      • We do NOT use a cookie-cutter model
      • We do due dilligence on your competitors, including in the free audit
      • We get juicy backlinks that will help rank your site faster
      • We go the extra mile for our clients

      Your Success is Our Success

      Check out how we analyze websites

      And get yours analyzed too

      Most companies will tell you they can optimize your site but don’t really show you how. Some actually outsource a lot of the work so you really have no way of knowing how things are done. Let us SHOW you how we rock! If you already have an existing site, we will dissect it and point out things you can do today free of charge. If you want our help in the process, we’d love to work with you.


      9 + 7 =